
The shocked response of Lionel Messi after hearing that Pelé has passed away

Pele, the Brazilian king of football, the only one to win three World Cups and one of the greatest sporting figures of the last century, died on Thursday. He was 82. The star, whose name became synonymous with football excellence and a symbol of Brazilian “jogo bonito”, had been undergoing treatment for colon cancer since 2021 and remained hospitalised for the past month.

Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar và hàng loạt ngôi sao đau buồn khi Pele qua đời -  2sao

Widely regarded as one of the greatest footballers in history, Pelé spent nearly two decades mesmerising fans and outshining his rivals as the top scorer in the history of Brazilian club Santos and the national team. His grace, athletic virtues and incredible skill mesmerised fans and rivals alike. He orchestrated a fast, fluid style of play that revolutionised football – a sort of samba-like dance that brought Brazilian elegance to the pitch.

He led Brazil to football’s elite and became a global ambassador for his sport throughout a career that began on the streets of Sao Paulo state, where he kicked a makeshift ball with a sock stuffed with rags or papers. In the debate over who has been the greatest footballer in history, Pele’s name always comes up, often alongside that of the late Diego Maradona and two players still playing: Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

Vua bóng đá Pele qua đời: Messi, Ronaldo và các ngôi sao bày tỏ niềm tiếc  thương vô hạn

Different sources, which count different series of matches, estimate that Pelé’s total number of goals ranges from 650 (league matches) to 1,281 (all his professional matches without age limit, including some at youth level).

Messi was shocked

Vua bóng đá Pele qua đời: Messi, Ronaldo và các ngôi sao bày tỏ niềm tiếc  thương vô hạn - Sao thể thao - Việt Giải Trí

“For me, in the last 15 years, there is no doubt that Messi is the best player,” said the legendary footballer, who died on Thursday at the age of 82. Messi’s reaction to learning of Pele’s death was one of sadness, with sources close to the player saying he was shocked to hear the news from Argentina, where he is still on holiday.



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