
JORGINHO’S agent has confirmed Chelsea have offered him a new contract – but he admits the star is tempted by a return to Napoli.

The Brazilian-born Italian international, 31, will become a free agent at the end of the season.

Jorginho's agent has confirmed Chelsea have offered him a new contract

1Jorginho’s agent has confirmed Chelsea have offered him a new contractCredit: Getty

He has been linked with a host of clubs with Newcastle keen to keep him in the Premier League.

Juventus want to bring him back to Italy while Barcelona are also in the chase for the Euro 2020 winner.

However, Chelsea want him to stay at Stamford Bridge too and have tabled a contract extension for him to weigh up.

But Jorginho’s representative, Joao Santos, has now touched on the possibility of his client making an emotional return to his old club Napoli.

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Speaking to TMW, he said: “Jorginho is expiring on June 30, we have a renewal offer and we’ll give priority to Chelsea.

“Naples represented our home in Italy, [Cristiano] Giuntoli really appreciates the player, for us it’s a special place.

“If there was a new interest we’d be happy, however, at the moment Napoli has not had any contact with us.”

Jorginho started his career in Italy in Hellas Verona but left them for Napoli in January 2014.

Chelsea then forked out £57.4m for his services in 2018 and he has enjoyed great success in West London.

Jorginho vuole tornare al Napoli: la mossa per convincere ADL

He has lifted both the Champions League and Europa League during that period, as well as both the Fifa Club World Cup and Uefa Super Cup.

Jorginho’s penalty-taking abilities have also made him a key player for the Blues, and he has scored 21 goals in 121 Premier League outings.



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