

Following a quick-fire sending off with two yellow cards in just under two minutes, PSG’s Brazilian attacker Neymar reportedly left the Parc des Princes before the end of the match, as reported by L’Équipe.

Neymar managed to singlehandedly receive his fifth red card since moving to Ligue 1 in 2017-18, with no other player having received more in this period of time, according to OPTA. The first caution was given following a hand in the face of Strasbourg attacker Ajorque whilst the Brazilian was holding possession of the ball in his own half – and the second a blatant simulation inside the box to try and win a penalty from Clément Turpin, who certainly spotted the act for what it was.

Neymar nhận thẻ đỏ, Mbappe lập công giúp PSG củng cố ngôi đầu Ligue 1 | Báo  Dân trí

Following Neymar’s expulsion from the field of play, PSG and Strasbourg were level until injury time – which saw Kylian Mbappé score a penalty to give the league leaders all three points in a tense match against the Alsatians.

Neymar bị đuổi trong trận thắng nhọc của PSG - VnExpress Thể thao



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