
Pep Guardiola compared Julián Álvarez with Lionel Messi and impacted everyone

Pep Guardiola compared Julián Álvarez with Lionel Messi and impacted everyone.

Pep Guardiola compared Julián Álvarez with Lionel Messi and impacted everyone

The fantastic coach, Guardiola, has always been a devoted admirer of Messi. The two met again at FC Barcelona and became the best soccer player in history. Now the coach Julián Álvarez is in charge of Manchester City and compares the ‘Spiderman’ with the best player in history, who a few days ago won the coveted World Cup title.

HLV Pep Guardiola nói về Messi và sức mạnh của PSG

After City’s victory, even without the presence of Julián Álvarez, who is on vacation at home after his World Cup triumph, Guardiola spoke about the former River Plate player. To everyone’s surprise, the famous Spanish coach compared the author of four goals in the World Cup with the winner of the Ballon d’Or (7 goals).

“Julián Álvarez’s situation is similar to Messi’s, he needs to win the World Cup to get the recognition he deserves. But thanks to Argentina, he has come back a better player, which is great for us,” he said of the contribution Zirneklis will make to the reigning Premier League champions.

Messi explains why Pep Guardiola is the best coach he's ever had - Barca  Blaugranes


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