
While Messi continues to celebrate, Man United players’ reaction to seeing Ronaldo without a club

Manchester United players’ reaction to seeing Cristiano Ronaldo without a team.

Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo

Lionel Messi’s celebrations in Argentina do not stop. It has been confirmed that the player will rejoin PSG until January. However, while Messi continues to celebrate with his people in Argentina, Cristiano Ronaldo remains without a team and from Manchester United some players are already reacting to it.

Ronaldo’s departure from Old Trafford came shortly before the start of the World Cup. The differences with coach Erik Ten Hag were fulminating for the Portuguese and the club decided to dispense with the player. Faced with this situation, some of the player’s teammates are already expressing their opinion of his departure.

Christian Eriksen spoke about Ronaldo’s departure from Manchester United after the team’s last game in the Premier League. In that sense, the Danish player expressed that there is sadness in the dressing room because he was a very respected element within the squad, but that surely they will be able to overcome.

Messi và đồng đội đã mang cúp vàng về nước

What did Eriksen say about Ronaldo?

MU) Ronaldo muốn đi, tại sao các CLB lớn chẳng muốn mua? | Việt Nam

In Eriksen’s words, “His (Cristiano Ronaldo) legacy and his name at any club is special. For me, to be lucky enough to play with him in my career was very nice. We are sad that Ronaldo is not part of this and what we can achieve this season. However, we have to look forward.



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