
“Super Golden Ball” .. Will Messi be crowned with the rarest European award?

The first ever Ballon d’Or was awarded in 1956 and many of the greatest players in the world got their hands on it.

But only one Super Ballon d’Or winner is Real Madrid legend Alfredo Di Stéfano.

Hãy trao Siêu quả bóng vàng cho Messi

Di Stéfano scored 308 goals for Real and was instrumental in five consecutive European Cup victories between 1956 and 1960.

He won the Ballon d’Or twice, in 1957 and 1959, but 30 years after his second win, France Football has once again celebrated his achievement in a unique way, with the ‘Super’.

In 1989, France Football magazine awarded Di Stéfano the “Super Ballon d’Or”, coinciding with the magazine’s 30th anniversary and celebrating the best player of the past three decades.

Di Stefano was born in Argentina and played there until 1949. He later represented Colombia and Spain, obtaining citizenship which qualified him for this cup.

Legends Johan Cruyff and Michel Platini were among the nominees, but the award went to Di Stefano, 30 years after his second Ballon d’Or win.

Why did Alfredo di Stefano have a Super Ballon d'Or? - Quora

The trophy looks a lot like the familiar Ballon d’Or, but contains lots of golden mini balls that look like Ferrero Rocher chocolates at the base.

The trophy, unique of its kind, was housed in the Real Madrid Museum at the Santiago Bernabéu for years, but was then auctioned in London, in September 2021, as part of an event called “From the estate of Alfredo Di Stéfano” along with other iconic memorabilia from his career. .

According to Julian’s Auctions, the trophy sold for £187,500 ($225,993).

And in 1995, the “Super Ballon d’Or” in honor of non-European stars was presented to the Argentine legend Diego Maradona.

But now that he’s finally got his hands on the World Cup, many fans think seven-time Ballon d’Or winner Lionel Messi should have his own version.

Will the prize go to Messi?

It is now rumored that Messi is on his way to winning the Super Ballon d’Or, the most famous and rare award, which has so far only been won by Di Stéfano.

3 Alasan Lionel Messi Layak Raih Super Ballon d'Or, Penghargaan Langka  dalam Sepak Bola - INDOSPORT

To win this award, you must be born in a European country, according to the site that oversees it. However, Di Stefano was born in Argentina but was still eligible for the award due to his Spanish nationality.

The site mentionedManas Varad India“There is a strong possibility that France Football will change its rules this year to allow non-European players to win this award. Having won this year’s World Cup with Argentina, Messi’s resume is unmatched Although there was never a shadow of a doubt his quality at club level His international level has been nothing short of exceptional.

Messi also has Spanish citizenship. Which could also qualify him to win this award.

Messi won many titles with his former club Barcelona ​​​​​​​and won a group of local titles with Paris Saint-Germain, and was crowned with the Ballon d’Or 7 times.

Messi capped off his career in Qatar on Sunday with the most expensive titles, which he still lacked in record by winning the World Cup after a crazy final, as the Argentinian scored two goals from his team’s hat-trick, while his colleague at Saint-Germain, Kylian Mbappe scored a hat-trick for the “rooster” team, topping the list of league scorers with 8 goals.



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