
Arsenal could take advantage of Barcelona’s dilemma to sign midfielder

Arsenal and Barcelona have battled for players in the past and some have played for both clubs in their careers.

Barca has a fine football academy, and Arsenal has previously poached some youngsters from there and turned them into top players who can deliver for the best sides in Europe.

Now they both want two Premier League midfielders, with several reports linking them individually with a move for N’Golo Kante and Ruben Neves.

The Catalans seem to be in the lead for the signature of both players, which means Arsenal risks being left emptyhanded.

Ruben Neves coy on future as summer move beckons | CaughtOffside

However, the Gunners have been handed a boost as a report on Football London reveals Barca cannot sign both players, which is a clear sign that Arsenal can get their hands on at least one of them.

It means the Gunners can work on a deal for Neves because the Catalans are likely to pursue their interest in Kante since he will be a free agent.

Just Arsenal Opinion

Arsenal: 3 reasons Ruben Neves should not be signed

Neves has been one of the finest midfielders in the Premier League in the last few seasons and can definitely do a good job for us if we add him to our squad.

If Barcelona leaves the race, we will still need to pay a huge fee to buy him, considering Wolves always want the most money for their players.



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