
Horses Can Identify Humans and Understand Their Emotions

It is well known that horses are highly intelligent creatures. In fact, horses can identify humans and understand their emotions. These magnificent animals have proven to show emotions and develop strong bonds with people.

Not only are horses beautiful animals, but they are capable of expressing themselves and recognizing different humans.

Can Horses Identify and Remember Humans?

Yes, horses can not only identify humans but also remember them. A study done by the University of Sussex proved that horses were able to identify people and remember those they have come across before.

In the study led by Leanne Proops, PhD, 72 horses were evaluated by their reaction to hearing two people saying their names over a loudspeaker.

During the first part of the study, the two people, one a stranger and one an acquaintance to the horse, stood in front of the horse while the recordings played.

During the second part of the study, both people were familiar with the horse. The researchers found that almost every time the horse heard a voice of someone they knew, they would look at them.

The reaction was often quick when it was the voice they recognized and they would stare at the person for a long period of time.

Horses have even been shown to remember people, even if they have gone months or even years without seeing them. In addition, a horse will have a positive association with a person who has treated them well.

Do Horses Understand Human Emotion?

Yes, studies have shown that horses are capable of understanding human emotion. In fact, not only are they able to understand human emotion, but they are also able to respond to it.

A study conducted by the University of Sussex showed 21 horses a photo of a human that displayed either a happy or angry face. After several hours, the horses were shown a photo of the same person, this time with an emotionally neutral face.

When the horses who had seen the photo of the person with the angry expression in person, they spent more time looking at them with their left eye. The left eye sends information to the right hemisphere of the brain, which processes potential threats.

When the horses who had seen the photo of the person with a happy expression in person, they spent more time looking at them with their right eye. The right eye is connected to the part of the brain that specializes in positive reactions.

Horses are not only capable of recognizing people’s emotions, but also remembering a person’s previous emotional state when seeing them later in the day. They are then able to adapt their behavior accordingly, proving they have memory of emotion.

Horses are able to show affection to people they are close to. When a horse trusts someone, they are able to use body language to communicate their close relationship with you.

First Impressions

Horses are loyal creatures, showing love and affection to those who are special to them. When a person first meets a horse, it can have a lasting effect on them.

With horses being able to remember people and recognize emotion, making a good first impression can have a positive impact on them.

When you meet a horse for the first time, treating them with kindness and respect will allow them to remember you in a positive way. This can help create a strong bond, built on trust.

Intelligence Level of Horses

As we mention in our guide on how smart horses are, horses are known to be some of the smartest animals. They have the ability to learn several different cues, have complex social structures, and have excellent memories.

Here is a brilliant video showing how horses can distinguish between human emotions:

They are quick learners and are able to communicate not only with each other, but with people as well.

Horses have the quickest response times of all domesticated animals. They are also able to analyze what is a threat and what not is a threat, allowing them to be desensitized quickly.

Horses have even gone years without being ridden and were able to remember all the commands when asked. They are efficient problem solvers and have even learned to ask for help. Horses are much more than just a beautiful sight to behold.


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