The World’s 4 Most Beautiful Botanical Gardens

Botanical gardens are often places where one can see rare plants.  They can also be calming places of beauty that can breathe real life into otherwise sterile urban…

6 Incredible Places That Can Only Be Discovered On Foot

1. La Palma, Canary Islands This place is most famous for its sunny beaches. The climate draws millions of tourists annually. Ah, but if you travel deeper into…

5 Incredibly Cheap Places to Travel

1 You want to go on a vacation yet don’t want to a blow a fortune? Want to save big on food, airfare, accommodation and sightseeing without compromising…

The Photo Of The Baby Being Born At Home While In The Amniotic Sac Surprised Everyone

When full term is exactly 41 weeks and 5 days Lisa, from the Santa Cruz Mountains, wants nothing more than to start labor and her plans for a…

Preemie Twins Born At 22 Weeks Are Breaking Records

Typically, a pregnancy lasts between 37 and 41 weeks before giving birth. As a result, when Jade Ewoldt gave birth to twin daughters in November of last year…

A Girl Born With Organs Outside Her Body Celebrated Her First Christmas

A baby girl who was born with a rare disease of the organs outside the body and is now six months old celebrated her first Christmas with her…

Bees Create Beautiful Heart-Shaped Hives When They Aren’t Forced Into Frames

Have you ever seen honeycomb as beautiful as this? Image credit: National Trust Who needs more evidence that bees are artists than these incredible photographs of heart-shaped natural…

Sea Angel & Friends: These Real-Life Creatures Look Like a CGI Fantasy

Alexander Semenov is a Russian marine biologist who specializes in invertebrates and often dives in harsh conditions. He is also a professional photographer mostly interested in scientific macrophotography…

A 10-Ton Whale Was Found in the Amazon Rainforest and Scientists Are Baffled

A 36-foot-long whale (yes, a whale) was recently discovered in Brazil’s remote jungle, miles from its natural habitat, when scavenging vultures alerted local officials with their screeching. Image…

Tumbas y capillas egipcias antiguas de 3.300 años de antigüedad con decoraciones ‘sorprendentes’ desenterradas en Saqqara

Las tumbas recién descubiertas del antiguo Egipto en Saqqara incluyen los entierros de un supervisor del templo, un artista del tesoro real y un individuo desconocido. Comentarios (0)…

La inquietante momia de ‘sirena’ descubierta en Japón es aún más extraña de lo que esperaban los científicos

Un nuevo análisis de una “sirena” momificada encontrada en un templo japonés ha revelado exactamente de qué está hecha, y no es lo que pensaban los científicos. Comentarios…

Bustos de piedra de 2.600 años de antigüedad de la antigua gente de Tartessos ‘perdidos’ descubiertos en un pozo sellado en España

Arqueólogos en España descubrieron recientemente cinco bustos de tamaño natural de figuras humanas que representan la civilización perdida de Tartessos. Comentarios (1) Dos de las figuras talladas probablemente…