5 Jaw-Dropping Gorgeous Places In Italy You Just Can’t Miss

1 From charming medieval town squares to picturesque countryside hamlets to stunning lakes, Italy is probably Europe’s most diverse and alluring tourist hotspot. Here are 10 gorgeous places…

Italy’s Hidden Gems: Avoid Crowds

Italy is one of the countries that holds a place on almost everyone’s travel bucket list. It is a popular tourist destination with travelers from all over the…

Hiking The Narrows At Zion National Park

1 Are you a hiking enthusiast? If you’re in the US, head for the state of Utah. Southwestern Utah is the home of the red rock landscape known…

Magical Membranes: 6 Rare Photos of Babies Born In The Amniotic Sac

When a baby is delivered by vagina also referred to as a closed birth the amniotic sac is still intact. Your baby may resemble a transparent, supple bubble…

Boy, 6, Snuggles His Preemie Baby Brother In Sweet Skin-To-Skin Photo

Children are the purest and most innocent people; many of them have open minds and fully rely on their parents’ judgment. They also appreciate the love and support…

Birth At Home In Nine Unique Moments

Monet Nicole photographs poignant scenes during home births. A midwife is present for home deliveries, and it is essential that both the birth and the pregnancy be deemed…

The World’s Only Woolly Pig Species Looks Like a Sheep and Acts Like a Dog

The mangalica is the only pig species covered in a long wool coat, similar to a sheep’s. Move over, sheep and pigs! There’s a new kid in town,…

Aquarists Create Tiny Hats for Sea Urchins to Wear Because in the Wild They Like to Use Shells as Headwear

A new wave of urchinwear. These guys look like ZZ Top. Image credit: VanillaBean5813 Sea urchins are among the most widespread and prevalent echinoderms in the ocean, with…

The Secret Life of the Streaked Tenrec, Madagascar’s Striped and Spiky Wonder

The streaked tenrec is a peculiar little creature that looks like a cross between a hedgehog, a porcupine – and a zebra. And it sports a mohawk! Look…

¿Un esqueleto Pre-Maya será destruido por el Tren Maya?

Un arqueólogo que bucea en cuevas ha hecho un descubrimiento notable en México: un esqueleto humano pre-maya que puede remontarse al final de la última edad de hielo….

La tumba de la era de Ramsés II encontrada en una lejana cueva en una playa israelí

En lo que denominan un descubrimiento “excepcional y sorprendente”, un equipo de arqueólogos israelíes desenterró recientemente una antigua cueva funeraria dentro de los límites del Parque Nacional de…

Arqueólogos italianos descubren estatuas de bronce “excepcionales” en la Toscan

Emergiendo de las aguas termales ahora empapadas de lodo de un antiguo santuario sagrado en el centro de Italia, se han recuperado más de 20 estatuas de bronce…