5 Most Scenic City Parks Across the World

Bang in the middle of concrete city jungles, these places offer tranquility and serene moments for city dwellers and visitors. These lush green patches sitting alongside state prettily…

Home Australia The 5 Coolest Zip-lines on the Planet AustraliaNorth AmericaCanadaEnglandFranceHawaiiThings To Do

1 Are you a daredevil? Enjoy exciting vacations? Check out the 15 coolest zip-lines in the world. MistRider Zipline, Canada Get a bird’s eye view of the roaring…

Here’s What $100,000 Will Get You In 20 Countries Around The World

Today $100,000 is said to be the “minimum” amount required to truly be “middle-class” in the USA. But what would happen if you took your $100,000 and moves…

The Baby Is One In 14 Cases Rare Around The World Was Born With Permanent Smile

The parents were thrilled to finally see their newborn daughter, but they were shocked to learn following the cesarean section birth that their child’s mouth was not developing…

The Secret Of The Images Of A Woman Who Gave Birth To Her Son In The Sea

Viral images of touching Red Sea birth actually showed family bathing days-old baby with its umbilical cord still attached in the Egyptian waters for health benefits. The father…

The Mother of Triplets Shared Her Belly During Pregnancy and Postpartum Surprisingly

On her Instagram profile, where she has 305 thousand followers, Michella has actively chronicled her pregnant experience. But her social media photos displaying an unusual bump were what…

Georgia Couple Welcomes Quadruplets Just in Time for Christmas “My 4 Precioυs Miracle Babies”

The births of Kortney and Justin Miller’s children occurred a few weeks sooner than anticipated. Infertility is frequently to blame when you read touching tales of couples overcoming…

Walking the World’s Largest Cat, Which is Comparable to a Sabre-Toothed Tiger

This 705lb (320kg) liger called Apollo, one of the world’s first white ligers, has been compared to a prehistoric sabre-toothed tiger – and with a reason. Image credit:…

Extremely Rare Polka-Dotted Zebra Foal Spotted in Kenya (And What Happened to Her)

She is believed to be the first polka-dotted zebra ever discovered in the Maasai Mara National Reserve. Image credit: MMWCA When talking of zebras, we usually have animals…

This Fungus is Known as ‘Dead Man’s Fingers’ And It’s Kind of Disturbing

When Regan Daniels from North Carolina uploaded a few pictures of a fungus that looked like a dead man’s toes to the Facebook group Mushroomcore, her snaps instantly…

Las muñecas funerarias Chancay: misteriosas ofrendas de una antigua cultura peruana desaparecida

Las ‘muñecas’ de los enterramientos Chancay constituyen un tipo de ajuar funerario típico de la cultura del mismo nombre, una civilización precolombina que habitaba en lo que hoy…

Halladas antiguas tumbas con niños sacrificados cerca de las ruinas de un templo en Perú

Los arqueólogos que están excavando un yacimiento prehispánico de la región peruana de Lambayeque han desenterrado recientemente un conjunto de 17 antiguas tumbas. En ellas han hallado restos…