
How Michael Jordan treated Clyde Drexler on the Dream Team: “Think you can stop me this time, Clyde?”

Clyde Drexler inspired Michael Jordan to reach new heights in 1992, and he didn’t do it on purpose. Actually, it wasn’t his fault at all. Jordan and Drexler battled for years on NBA courts during the 80s and 90s, especially when Jordan played for the Chicago Bulls and Drexler was the star of the Portland Trail Blazers.

How Michael Jordan treated Clyde Drexler on the Dream Team: "Think you can stop me this time, Clyde?"

Olympic teammates

After the Bulls defeated the Trail Blazers in the 1992 NBA Finals, Jordan and Drexler would soon be reunited, but this time as teammates on the legendary Dream Team at the Barcelona Olympics. According to writer David Halberstam in his book “Playing For Keeps,” Jordan kept his competitive flame and went after Drexler:

“Jordan did not pass up the opportunity to talk some trash as he brought the ball upcourt. ‘Didn’t I just kick your ass? … Anything here look just a little familiar? … Think you can stop me this time [sic], Clyde? … Better watch out for the 3s, Clyde,” Halberstam wrote.

“Eventually, some of his Dream Team colleagues suggested that Jordan cut back on the trash talk with Drexler because they were all teammates now, and there was no reason to reopen wounds so fresh. Back off, he did, but the coaches noted that every time Jordan guarded Drexler in scrimmages, he took the defensive level up more than anyone else.”

Why Jordan took things personally against Drexler

Jordan didn’t like being compared to Drexler before the 1992 NBA Finals, so he took things personally against him.

MJ was named NBA MVP in the 1991-92 season. He ran away with the award, getting 80 of the 96 first-place votes; however, Drexler received 12 first-place votes, and according to the media, the Trail Blazers’ star guard was among the players challenging Jordan as the best in the league that year. That’s all Jordan needed to take things personally.

“Clyde was a threat; I’m not saying he wasn’t a threat, but me being compared to him, I took offense to that,” Jordan explained.

Jordan’s shrug after hitting his sixth three-pointer in the first half of Game 2 of the 1992 NBA Finals was part of his payback against the media. The Bulls eventually won the series against Portland 4-2 to secure their second straight NBA championship.


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