
The Look of This Superb Bird With Royal Blue Feathers Is Sure To Impress.

There are about 9000 bird species all over the world and they are all special in their own way; some of them for their uniqueness, others for their behavior, size, color, etc. This one, a stunning bird with royal blue features, is from the tanager Thraupidae family, called The Diademed Tanager (Stephanophorus diadematus).

It is a Neotropical bird that belongs to a songbird order which counts about 5000 species. The Diademed tanager inhabits open areas like northeast and east Argentina, coastal and south of Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

This amazing bird measures approximately 7 inches (18 cm), its beautiful singing is very melodious and pleasant to the ear. The chirping is so calming and relaxing, that it sounds like the most beautiful song you’ve ever heard.

This birdie is easily recognizable due to its vibrant and vivid colored plumage. When you see the royal blue perfectly mixed with the royal purple, that beautiful combination of colors will be stuck in your mind forever.

The Diademed tanager has dark blue-purple wings and tail, and the upper back and underparts are in a lighter blueish color. Its beak is grey, small and hooked, and below and above the beak you can see the black patch.

One of its main characteristics is its white crown called Diadema, with a central crown patch in bright red color. The silvery throat is just an addition to its general prettiness.

Its charm is simply irresistible, see for yourself and find out more about this magnificent bird. We guarantee you’ll be fascinated.

The Diademed Tanager.The Diademed Tanager.

The female has darker feathers and a grayish crown.The female has darker feathers and a grayish crown.

Its beak is small and hooked. Diademed Tanager uses it for cutting and crushing fruits, worms, grubs, buds, leaves, and these birds especially love leaves from banana trees.Its beak is small and hooked. Diademed Tanager uses it for cutting and crushing fruits, worms, grubs, buds, leaves, and these birds especially love leaves from banana trees.

The diademed tanager is a very friendly type of bird, so it doesn’t have a problem spending time with the birds from the other species.The diademed tanager is a very friendly type of bird, so it doesn't have a problem spending time with the birds from the other species.

The diademed tanagers don’t like to be alone, they prefer to live in a small flock of 5-10 birds.The diademed tanagers don't like to be alone, they prefer to live in a small flock of 5-10 birds.

When they find their match for breeding, a female begins building a nest in the cup-shaped form attached to a tree branch from moss and leaves.When they find their match for breeding, a female begins building a nest in the cup-shaped form attached to a tree branch from moss and leaves.

After the nest is built, the female lays 2-3 eggs and then the incubation period starts. During the incubation period, the male brings food to feed the female. But after the incubation period, when the eggs hatch, both the female and the male, bring food for the newborns and feed them together.After the nest is built, the female lays 2-3 eggs and then the incubation period starts. During the incubation period, the male brings food to feed the female. But after the incubation period, when the eggs hatch, both the female and the male, bring food for the newborns and feed them together.

The population of the Diademed Tanager is stable, and has a wide range. Therefore this species of bird don’t belong to the list of vulnerable species.The population of the Diademed Tanager is stable, and has a wide range. Therefore this species of bird don't belong to the list of vulnerable species.

Check out this video to hear its amazing chirping. If you have a chance to meet them in nature, don’t miss the opportunity to listen to their group chirping, it’s a true symphony.

This mesmerizing bird is considered one of the most beautiful birds in the world, and now you can see why. The intensive colors make you look at its feathers over and over again.

It is in their nature to be adorable, lovely, friendly, and also they are melodious singers, all that charming characteristic we humans cannot resist. What do you think about these eye-catching birds?


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